Ingrid’s workshops are ideal for those who wish to loosen up their watercolour paintings in a relaxed friendly environment.
Workshops have a maximum of 8 people, unless otherwise stated, ensuring everyone receives plenty of individual attention and guidance from Ingrid.
“I get such a lot of satisfaction and a wonderful sense of pleasure from tutoring. I love sharing in the artistic journeys of others, listening to their ideas and inspirations, and seeing these develop into a piece of artwork” Ingrid
Ingrid’s workshops start at 10am and finish at approximately 4pm.
They are held in a large bright hall in Newbold Verdon with plenty of free parking in the adjacent car park.
Everyone has their own large table, allowing plenty of room to spread out and enjoy being creative!
Tea, coffee, and biscuits will be available throughout the day, so you’ll just need to bring your own packed lunch.
Participants will be required to bring along their own materials, unless stated otherwise in the workshop description. Before the workshop Ingrid will supply a list of suggested materials and equipment to bring along.
Ingrid’s newsletter subscribers receive early bird workshop booking information. If you’d like to be one of the first to hear about new workshop dates simply fill out the Newsletter Subscription form at the bottom of the page.
More workshops will be added during the year, so do pop back and have another look.
Tuesday 28th January - FULLY BOOKED
New Year, New Sketchbook Journal
What better way to start the year than with a new creative activity!
For many years I’ve kept separate watercolour sketchbooks for my holidays. In these sketchbook ‘journals’ I enjoy painting simple watercolour sketches along with jotting down facts and memories and I’ll also sometimes include entry tickets, postcards or leaflets, reminders of special times.
My holiday sketchbook journals are full of memories and very precious to me.
This new workshop for 2025 will start with a short talk and examples from my own sketchbook journals.
After this you’ll be able to start your own watercolour journal of your choice. Maybe you’ve always wanted to keep a garden journal, a daily journal, a special day journal, or a holiday journal.
Throughout the day I’ll work around the room to offer individual advice and guidance.
For this workshop you will need to bring along a watercolour sketchbook, your normal watercolour materials and the photographs you’d like to use for reference.
If this sounds like something you’d also like to do why not join me for a day of sketchbook fun?
Some experience of watercolours is required for this workshop.
£55 per person – FULLY BOOKED
Friday 14th & Saturday 15th February - three places available
Two-day Beginner’s Watercolour Workshop
Have you always wanted to have a go with watercolours? Or would you like a refresher on the basics? If so, this two-day workshop is perfect for you!
Day one of the workshop will start of with a talk about watercolours and the materials we’ll be using during the two-day workshop.
On the first day we’ll have fun together doing various exercises. We’ll experiment with mixing colours, painting different types of brushstrokes and trying various painting techniques.
On the second day you’ll have chance to put your new skills into practice as we paint a beautiful flower together.
During the day I’ll demonstrate each stage of the painting, guiding you from the initial drawing through to the final details.
Along with watching the demonstration you’ll also have a simple line drawing reference sheet, a photograph of the finished painting and an instruction sheet.
Throughout the workshop I’ll work around the room to offer individual advice and guidance.
If you are interested in attending the workshop, please contact Ingrid to check availability.
All materials are provided for this workshop.
£120 per person – two places available
Friday 21st & Saturday 22nd March - FULLY BOOKED
Watercolour, Sepia Ink & Granulation Medium Workshop
Have fun experimenting with textures at this two-day individual painting workshop!
This workshop is ideal for those who would like to ‘loosen-up’ their watercolours.
The workshop will start with a short introductory talk after which we’ll have fun together experimenting with adding sepia ink and a granulation medium into our watercolours.
After these studies you’ll have the opportunity to continue experimenting with these exciting techniques on your own studies and paintings of your choice.
Please bring along a small selection of photographs or studies for reference.
Throughout the day I’ll work around the room to offer individual advice and guidance.
For this workshop you will need to bring along your preferred watercolour paper, your normal watercolour materials and the photographs you’d like to use for reference.
Everyone will receive a materials goody bag, worth over £12 rrp, for you to use during the workshop, and so that you’ll be able to carry on having fun with these techniques at home!
Some experience of watercolours is required for this workshop.
£125 per person – FULLY BOOKED
Tuesday 15th April - FULLY BOOKED
Sketchbook Fun
This workshop is all about enjoying having fun in a sketchbook!
I always have lots of different sketchbooks on the go at any one time.
I use them for lots of different things, such as to experiment and try out ideas, plan paintings or record memories.
But one of the things I most like about my sketchbooks is that they can be a place to simply enjoy being creative.
I love playing in a sketchbook purely for the fun of it, sticking in bits of paper, adding quotes, cutting up old paintings and reworking them into something new.
At this new workshop you’ll have the opportunity to have some creative fun in your sketchbook without there being any pressure to paint a perfect finished picture!
You will need to bring along a watercolour sketchbook, your normal watercolour materials and equipment, and the photographs you’d like to use for reference.
This workshop is ideal for those who would like to ‘loosen-up’ their watercolours.
Keeping a sketchbook can be a great hobby in its own right!
Some experience of watercolours is required for this workshop.
£55 per person – FULLY BOOKED
Tuesday 13th May - FULLY BOOKED
Individual Watercolour Paintings
The ‘Individual Watercolour Workshop’ is always a popular workshop it’ll be returning again in May 2025.
The workshop will start with a short introductory talk, after which you’ll have the opportunity to work on your own individual paintings of your choice.
You might decide you’d like to work on one ‘finished’ painting or several studies. The day is for you to enjoy being creative with Ingrid on hand to give lots of tips and guidance.
Please bring a small selection of photographs or studies for reference.
Throughout the day Ingrid will work around the room to offer individual advice and guidance.
Some experience of watercolours is required for this workshop.
£55 per person – FULLY BOOKED
Booking Conditions:
Bookings are on a first come first served basis.
If you are interested in attending any of the workshops, please email Ingrid to check availability.
Once the availability of a place has been acknowledged please send the required deposit for each workshop booked within 7 days. The payment details will be included in the acknowledgement email. A workshop place confirmation email will be sent to you within 48 hours of receipt of your deposit.
The remaining balance is due by the date on your booking confirmation email.
If you cancel your place up to 7 days before the workshop date, I will try to fill your place and, if successful, you will receive a full refund. If, however, I am unable to fill your place the workshop payment will not be refunded.
Cancellations made within 7 days of the workshop date will not be refunded.
I reserve the right to cancel a workshop at any time and should I need to cancel for any reason you will of course receive a full refund of fees paid. However, I will not be responsible for any other costs you may have incurred such as travel or accommodation.
A minimum of six attendees will be required to run the workshops.